All superheroes need a home base! Art Teacher HQ serves as a “headquarters” for all of us art-teaching superheroes out there.
(And yes, while you may not be faster than a speeding bullet, if you have ever taught back-to-back art classes…attempted a papier mâché project with kids of any age…mastered a finicky kiln…or convinced a child not to throw away their artwork after making one tiny mistake…YOU ARE A SUPERHERO!)
At the moment, this site is just starting off. But eventually, the hope is that Art Teacher HQ will become a resource created BY art teachers FOR art teachers.
Art teachers everywhere can submit blog posts and photos to be published on this site so that others around the world can easily search for project ideas and lesson plans, art teaching tips and advice, ideas about classroom setup and management, and insight on many other topics related to teaching art.
Want to be featured on Art Teacher HQ? Contact us!
About the Art Teacher Behind Art Teacher HQ…
Mild-mannered art teacher by day, blogger by night…

Hi! My name is Merrily Boyd, and I’m an artist and art teacher from North Carolina. I started teaching elementary art in 2008 and currently teach Pre-K through 6th grade art. I’m also Mommy to my own sweet superhero:

Teaching art isn’t for the faint of heart, but it can be so rewarding! I love discovering and creating new projects and sharing ideas with other art teachers–the more we share, the easier it gets! If you’re an art teacher, I hope this site will help to build your confidence in the classroom and enhance your art-teaching superpowers!